


李文连教授现任上海交通大学上海高级金融学院管理学讲席教授。李文连教授在2018年加入高金,此前曾担任明尼苏达大学卡尔森管理学院供应链与运营学终身教授及Eric Jing讲席教授,并曾在复旦大学管理学院任特聘教授。

李文连教授的研究领域包括工业与商业统计、实验设计、商业分析和大数据、以及金融科技,发表高水平学术论文近40篇。其论文多集中发表在商业和应用统计领域(特别是实验设计领域被广泛认可的)一流期刊中,如INFORMS Journal on Computing、Journal of Operations Management、Journal of the American Statistical Association与Technometrics等。李文连教授参与撰写的著作《应用线性统计模型》(第5版)是统计学领域广泛使用的教科书,多次被学术界引用。



  • 期刊论文

    1. Chen, K., Linderman, K., Su, H.C., and Li., W.. 2024. Last-Minute Coordination: Adapting to Demand to Support Last-Mile Operations, Journal of Operations Management.

    2. He, L., Li, W., Song, D., and Yang, M.. 2024. A Systematic View of Information-Based Optimal Subdata Selection: Algorithm Development, Performance Evaluation, and Application in Financial Data, Statistica Sinica.

    3. Zhou, Qi, William Li, and Hongquan Xu. 2023. Utilizing Individual Clear Effects for Intelligent Factor Allocations and Design Selections, Journal of Quality Technology.

    4. Chen, Ping-Yang, Ray-Bing Chen, Jui-Pin Li, and William Li. 2022. Particle Swarm Exchange Algorithms with Applications in Generating Optimal Model-Discrimination Designs, Quality Engineering.

    5. Bi, Xuan, Gediminas Adomavicius, William Li, and Annie Qu. 2022. Improving Sales Forecasting Accuracy: A Tensor Factorization Approach with Demand Awareness, Informs Journal on Computing.

    6. Chen, Kedong, William Li, and Sijian Wang. 2020. An Easy-to-Implement Hierarchical Standardization for Variable Selection under Strong Heredity Constraint, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice.

    7. Yang, Po, and William Li. 2019. Some Properties of Foldover Designs with Column Permutations, Metrika.

    8. Li, William, Robert W. Mee, and Qi Zhou. 2019. Using Individual Factor Information in Fractional Factorial Designs, Technometrics.

    9. Errore, Anna, Bradley Jones, William Li, and Christopher J. Nachtsheim. 2017. Using Definitive Screening Designs to Identify Active First- and Second-Order Factor Effects, Journal of Quality Technology.

    10. Errore, Anna, Bradley Jones, William Li, and Christopher J. Nachtsheim. 2017. Benefits and Fast Computation of Efficient Foldover Designs, Technometrics.

    11. Li, William, and Dennis K. J. Lin. 2016. A Note on Foldover of 2n-k Designs with Column Permutations, Technometrics.

    12. Li, William, Qi Zhou, and Runchu Zhang. 2015. Effective Designs Based on Individual Word Length Patterns, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.

    13. Li, William, and Ji Zhu. 2014. Comments: Model Selection with Strong and Weak Heredity, Technometrics.

    14. Yang, Po, and William Li. 2014. Blocked Two-level Semifoldover Designs, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.

    15. Li, William, Christopher J. Nachtsheim, Ke Wang, Robert Reul and Mark Albrecht. 2013. Conjoint Analysis and Discrete Choice Experiments for Quality Improvement, Journal of Quality Technology.

    16. Tichon, Jenna G., William Li, and Robert G. Mcleod. 2012. Generalized Minimum Aberration Two-Level Split-Plot Designs, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.


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