Fidelity 2012/2013 Campus Recruitment Programme

活动时间: 星期二, 2012-10-09 14:30 - 17:00

活动地点: Room 303, Datong Plaza



Fidelity 2012/2013 Campus Recruitment Programme

These are exciting times for us at Fidelity. They could be exciting times for you too. Ever since we were established 40 years ago, our long-term vision has ensured we provide leading investment management capabilities to a diverse range of clients across the world. And we employ exactly the same thinking to your career. Our focus means we can offer you the security, recognition and opportunities you need to enjoy a prosperous future.

Fidelity is now recruiting for high potential graduates to commence summer 2013.

For further details on opportunities available please visit us at:

Date:            Tuesday 9 October 2012

Time:            2:30pm registration for a 3:00 pm start. 1 hour presentation to be followed by     refreshments

Venue:          SAIF 303(大礼堂),  交通大学徐家汇校区(达通广场), 淮海西路211号

You can also visit www.fidelityrecruitment.com/asia or contact your Careers Office for more information on the application and recruitment process

