吴飞教授的主要学术研究领域包括行为金融、市场微观结构和国际金融市场。在Financial Management,Journal of Banking and Finance,Journal of Behavioral Finance,Journal of Empirical Finance,Journal of Financial Markets,Journal of International Business Studies,Journal of Portfolio Management和Review of Finance等国内外著名学术期刊发表论文50多篇,研究成果被Plansponsor Magazine,CFA Digest等媒体广泛报道。吴飞教授还参与撰写了Handbook of Trading和Frontiers of Western Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences两部著作的重要章节。吴飞教授主持三项国家自然科学基金面上项目,两项已结项,其中一项在结题绩效评估中被评为“优”。
吴飞教授曾获2008年度梅西大学优秀青年研究者奖章,2010年江西财经大学“科研十强”称号;其论文曾获2011年全美华人金融协会“中国金融市场”最佳论文奖和2012年中国金融学年会最佳论文奖。吴飞教授曾入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才”,曾担任亚洲金融协会(Asian Finance Association)理事和2013年亚洲金融协会年会联执主席,国际期刊Emerging Market Finance and Trade和Economic Systems特约主编。
吴飞教授的实践研究主要在财富管理领域。其撰写的中国家族财富管理案例“One Tiger Per Mountain: The He Family Office”发表在哈佛商学院(HBS)案例库。吴飞教授撰写出版多本专著,包括《家族财富管理:守护、管理和传承财富的关键》和《行稳致远:中国新富人群的财富健康之道》,翻译出版了《家族办公室全书》和《家族办公室指南》。吴飞教授担任国际金融家论坛家族财富管理专委会首席顾问、《财富管理》杂志联席主编,还担任了福布斯中文网、FT中文网、财富中文网、人民网、新浪财经、财新网、上海证券报等媒体的财富管理专栏撰稿人,及“第一财经-RFP理财精英”“福布斯中国理财师”“新浪财经金牌理财师”“胡润金牌理财师”等大赛的评委。吴飞教授曾主持发布众多的财富管理行业调研报告,如《工银企业家财富健康指数报告》(与工行私人银行合作),《中国居民金融素养报告》和《中国新富人群财富健康指数报告》(与美国嘉信理财合作),《中国家族财富与家族办公室调研报告》(与瑞银集团(UBS)合作)以及《中国居民投资理财行为调研报告》(与蚂蚁研究院合作)等。
1. Chi, Yeguang, Jingbin He, Xinru Ma and Fei Wu. 2023. Air Pollution and Institutional Investors' Valuation Bias during Initial Public Offerings, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.
2. Chi, Yeguang, Jingbin He, Xinru Ma and Fei Wu. 2023. Institutional Investor Inattention Bias in Auctioned IPOs, Journal of Banking & Finance.
3. Chi, Yeguang, Jingbin He, Fei Wu, and Bijiao Yi,. 2022. Optimal Information Production of Mutual Funds: Evidence from China, Journal of Banking & Finance.
4. Huang, Tao, Junye Li, Fei Wu and Ning Zhu. 2022. R&D information quality and stock returns, Journal of Financial Markets.
5. Deuskar, Prachi, Deng Pan, Fei Wu, and Hongfeng Zhou. 2021. How does Regret Affect Investor Behaviour? Evidence from Chinese Stock Markets, Accounting and Finance.
6. Garvey, Ryan, Tao Huang, and Fei Wu. 2021. Is Faster or Slower Trading Better? An Examination of Order Type Execution Speed and Costs, European Financial Management.
7. Huang, Tao, Fei Wu, Jing Yu, and Bohui Zhang. 2020. Investor protection and the value impact of stock liquidity, Journal of International Business Studies.
8. Garvey, Ryan, Tao Huang, and Fei Wu. 2017. Why Do Traders Split Orders?, Financial Review.
9. 胡援成, 刘元秀, 吴飞, 吴志明. 2017. 高管薪酬、业绩与胜任力识别:一项行为金融实验, 经济学(季刊).
10. Garvey, Ryan, Tao Huang, and Fei Wu. 2016. Why Do Traders Choose Dark Markets?, Journal of Banking & Finance.
11. Ng, Lilian, Fei Wu, Jing Yu, and Bohui Zhang. 2016. Foreign Investor Heterogeneity and Stock Liquidity around the World, Review of Finance.
12. 桂林, 张琦, 吴飞. 2015. 分利行为、舆论监督与政府治理:内生政府治理机制, 经济学(季刊).
13. Huang, Tao, Fei Wu, Jing Yu, and Bohui Zhang. 2015. International Political Risk and Government Bond Pricing, Journal of Banking & Finance.
14. Huang, Tao, Fei Wu, Jin Yu, and Bohui Zhang. 2015. Political Risk and Dividend Policy: Evidence from International Political Crises, Journal of International Business Studies.
15. Garvey, Ryan, and Fei Wu. 2014. Clustering of Intraday Order-sizes by Uninformed versus Informed Traders, Journal of Banking & Finance.
16. Garvey, Ryan, and Fei Wu. 2011. Information, Execution Quality and Order Routing on Nasdaq, Journal of Empirical Finance.
17. Garvey, Ryan, and Fei Wu. 2010. Speed, Distance and Electronic Trading: New Evidence on Why Location Matters, Journal of Financial Markets.
18. Ng, Lilian, and Fei Wu. 2010. Peer Effects in the Trading Decisions of Individual Investors, Financial Management.
19. Garvey, Ryan, and Fei Wu. 2009. Intraday Time and Order Execution Quality Dimensions, Journal of Financial Markets.
20. Ng, Lilian, and Fei Wu. 2007. The Trading Behavior of Institutions and Individuals in Chinese Equity Markets, Journal of Banking & Finance.
21. Garvey, Ryan, Anthony Murphy, and Fei Wu. 2007. Do Losses Linger? Evidence from Proprietary Stock Traders, The Journal of Portfolio Management.
22. Ng, Lilian, and Fei Wu. 2006. Revealed Stock Preferences of Individual Investors: Evidence from Chinese Equity Markets, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.
1. 2019年中国新富人群健康指数报告 , 吴飞.
2. 2020年中国新富人群财富健康指数 , 吴飞.
3. 2021中国居民投资理财行为调研报告 , 屠光绍,严弘,吴飞.
4. 2022中国金融素养居民报告 , 吴飞.
5. 2022中国居民投资理财行为调研报告 , 屠光绍,严弘,吴飞.
6. 2022中国新富人群财富健康指数 , 吴飞.
7. 2021工银企业家财富健康指数报告 , 吴飞.
8. 2022中国家族财富与家族办公室调研报告 , 吴飞.
9. 2022工银企业家财富健康指数 , 吴飞.
10. 2023中国新富人群财富健康指数报告 , 吴飞.
11. 2023中国居民投资理财行为调研报告 , 屠光绍,严弘,吴飞.
12. 2023中国居民金融素养报告 , 吴飞.
1. 吴飞,金融素养教育对中国居民投资理财行为的影响:基于实验干预和交易数据分析的研究 ,面上项目,国家自然科学基金委员会
2. 吴飞,持股特征和融资结构视角下企业创新行为:基于全球数据的实证研究 ,面上项目,国家自然科学基金委员会
3. 吴飞,境外机构投资者持股对东道国证券市场的影响:基于全球证券市场数据的研究 ,面上项目,国家自然科学基金委员会
Cohen Lauren, Fei Wu, and Grace Headinger. 2022. One Tiger Per Mountain: The He Family Office..