




张忠教授的研究成果已发布在Marketing Science, Management Science the Journal of Marketing Research等顶级学术期刊中。他还担任Marketing Science, Management ScienceQuantitative Marketing and Economics的领域编辑(Area Editor)。张忠教授已获得众多学术及教学奖励。


  • 期刊论文

    1. Zhang, Z. John. 1995. Price-Matching Policy and the Principle of Minimum Differentiation, Journal of Industrial Economics.

    2. Shaffer, Greg, and Z. John Zhang. 1995. Competitive Coupon Targeting, Marketing Science.

    3. Chen, Yuxin, James D. Hess, Ronald T. Wilcox, and Z. John Zhang. 1999. Accounting Profits versus Marketing Profits: A RelevantMetric for Category Management, Marketing Science.

    4. Krishna, Aradhna, and Z. John Zhang. 1999. Short or Long-Duration Coupons: The Effect of the Expiration Date on the Profitability of Coupon Promotions, Management Science.

    5. Zhang, Z. John, Aradhna Krishna, and Sanjay K. Dhar. 2000. The Optimal Choice of Promotional Vehicles: Front-Loaded or Rear-Loaded Incentives?, Management Science.

    6. Shaffer, Greg, and Z. John Zhang. 2000. Pay to Switch or Pay to Stay: Preference-Based Price Discrimination in Markets with Switching Costs, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy.

    7. Narasimhan, Chakravarthi, and Z. John Zhang. 2000. Market Entry Strategy Under Firm Heterogeneity and Asymmetric Payoffs, Marketing Science.

    8. Chen, Yuxin, Chakravarthi Narasimhan and Z. John Zhang. 2001. Individual Marketing with Imperfect Targetability, Marketing Science.

    9. Chen, Yuxin, Chakravarthi Narasimhan, and Z. John Zhang. 2001. Research Note: Consumer Heterogeneity and Competitive Price-Matching Guarantees, Marketing Science.

    10. Feinberg, Fred, Aradhna Krishna and Z. John Zhang. 2002. Do We Care What Others Get? A Behaviorist Approach to Targeted Promotions, Journal of Marketing Research.

    11. Essegaier, Skander, Sunil Gupta, and Z. John Zhang. 2002. Pricing Access Services, Marketing Science.

    12. Shaffer, Greg, and Z. John Zhang. 2002. Competitive One-to-One Promotions, Management Science.

    13. Jedidi, Kamel, and Z. John Zhang. 2002. Augmenting Conjoint Analysis to Estimate Consumer Reservation Price, Management Science.

    14. Fruchter, Gila E., and Z. John Zhang. 2004. Dynamic Targeted Promotions: A Customer Retention and Acquisition Perspective, Journal of Service Research.

    15. Raju, Jagmohan, and Z. John Zhang. 2005. Channel Coordination in the Presence of a Dominant Retailer, Marketing Science.

    16. Chen, Yuxin, Sridhar Moorthy and Z. John Zhang. 2005. Price Discrimination After the Purchase: A Note on Rebates As State-Dependent Discounts, Management Science.

    17. Narasimhan, Chakravarthi, Chuan He, Eric Anderson, Lyle Brenner, Preyas Desai, Dmitri Kuksov, Paul Messinger, Sridhar Moorthy, Joseph Nunes, Yuval Rottenstreich, Rick Staelin, George Wu, and Z. John Zhang. 2005. Incorporating Behavioral Anomalies in Strategic Models, Marketing Letters.

    18. Liu, Yunchuan, and Z. John Zhang. 2006. Research Note: The Benefits of Personalized Pricing in a Channel, Marketing Science.

    19. Liu, Yunchuan, Sunil Gupta, and Z. John Zhang. 2006. Note on Self-Restraint as an Online Entry-Deterrence Strategy, Management Science.

    20. Feinberg, Fred, Aradhna Krishna, and Z. John Zhang. 2007. Should Price Increases be Targeted?–Pricing Power and Selective versus Across-theboard Price Increases, Management Science.

    21. Eliashberg, Jehoshua, Sam K. Hui, and Z. John Zhang. 2007. From Storyline to Box Office: A New Approach for Green-Lighting Movie Scripts, Management Science.

    22. Cui, Tony Haitao, Jagmohan S. Raju, and Z. John Zhang. 2007. Fairness and Channel Coordination, Management Science.

    23. Cui, Tony Haitao, Jagmohan S. Raju, and Z. John Zhang. 2008. A Price Discrimination Model of Trade Promotions, Marketing Science.

    24. Arora, Neeraj, Xavier Dreze, Anindya Ghose, James D. Hess, Raghuram Iyengar, Bing Jing, Yogesh Joshi, V. Kumar, Nicholas Lurie, Scott Neslin, S. Sajeesh, Meng Su, Niladri Syam, Jacquelyn Thomas, and Z. John Zhang. 2008. Putting One-to-One Marketing to Work: Personalization, Customization, and Choice, Marketing Letters.

    25. Chen, Yuxin, Yogesh V. Joshi, Jagmohan S. Raju, and Z. John Zhang. 2009. A Theory of Combative Advertising, Marketing Science.

    26. Chen, Yuxin, and Z. John Zhang. 2009. Dynamic Targeted Pricing with Strategic Consumers, International Journal of Industrial Organization.

    27. Joshi, Yogesh V., David J. Reibstein, and Z. John Zhang. 2009. Optimal Entry Timing in Markets with Social Influence, Management Science.

    28. Coughlan, Anne T., S. Chan Choi, Wujin Chu, Charles A. Ingene, Sridhar Moorthy, V. Padmanabhan, Jagmohan S. Raju, David A. Soberman, Richard Staelin, and Z. John Zhang. 2010. Marketing Modeling Reality, and The Realities of Marketing Modeling, Marketing Letters.

    29. Zhang, Z. John, and Dongsheng Zhou. 2010. The Art of Price War: A Perspective From China, International Journal of China Marketing.

    30. Jerath, Kinshuk, and Z. John Zhang. 2010. Store within a store, Journal of Marketing Research.

    31. Jing, Bing, and Z. John Zhang. 2011. Product Line Competition and Price Promotions, Quantitative Marketing and Economics.

    32. Miller, Klaus M., Reto Hofstetter, Harley Krohmer, and Z. John Zhang. 2011. How Should We Measure Consumers’ Willingness to Pay? An Empirical Comparison of State-of-the-Art Approaches, Journal of Marketing Research.

    33. Li, Xinxin, Lorin M. Hitt, and Z. John Zhang. 2011. Product Reviews and Competition in Markets for Repeat Purchase Products, Journal of Management Information Systems.

    34. Miller Klaus M., Reto Hofstetter, Harley Krohmer, and Z. John Zhang. 2012. Measuring Consumers Willingness to Pay: Which Method Fits Best?, GfK Marketing Intelligence Review.

    35. Reto Hofstetter Klaus M. Miller Harley Krohmer Z. John Zhang. 2013. How Do Consumer Characteristics Affect the Bias in Measuring Willingness to Pay for Innovative Products?, Journal of Product Innovation Management.

    36. Subramanian, Upender, Jagmohan S. Raju, and Z. John Zhang. 2013. Exclusive Handset Arrangements in the Wireless Industry: A Competitive Analysis, Marketing Science.

    37. Subramanian, Upender, Jagmohan S. Raju, and Z. John Zhang. 2014. The Strategic Value of High-Cost Customers, Management Science.

    38. Eliashberg, Jehoshua, Sam K. Hui, and Z. John Zhang. 2014. Assessing Box Office Performance Using Movie Scripts: A Kernel-based Approach, Ieee Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.

    39. Neslin, Scott A., Kinshuk Jerath, Anand Bodapati, Eric T. Bradlow, John Deighton, Sonja Gensler, Leonard Lee, Elisa Montaguti, Rahul Telang, Raj Venkatesan, and Peter C. Verhoef, and Z. John Zhang. 2014. The Interrelationships Between Brand and Channel Choice, Marketing Letters.

    40. Abhishek, Vibhanshu, Kinshuk Jerath, Z. John Zhang. 2016. Agency Selling or Reselling? Channel Structures in Electronic Retailing, Management Science.

    41. Joshi, Yogesh V., David J. Reibstein, Z. John Zhang. 2016. Turf Wars: Product Line Strategies in Markets with Preference Based Segmentation, Marketing Science.

    42. Jerath, Kinshuk, S. Sajeesh, and Z. JohnZhang. 2016. A Model of Unorganized and Organized Retailing in Emerging Economies, Marketing Science.

    43. Chen, Yuxin, Oded Koenigsberg, and Z. John Zhang. 2017. Pay-as-You-Wish Pricing, Marketing Science.

    44. Hofstetter, Reto, Z. John Zhang, and Andreas Herrmann. 2018. Successive Open Innovation Contests and Incentives: Winner‐Take‐All or Multiple Prizes?, Journal of Product Innovation Management.
